Woman to Watch® Christie Kerner

On my quest to shop more small businesses owned by women, I stumbled upon a product that is truly life changing. Christie Kerner's months of research has paid off in the form of a little tube of mascara.

Christie's perfect product, The Best Little Mascara Ever solves all those little problems that women face in the mascara department. In her research she found these overwhelming responses to what women want in a mascara which I think we can all relate to: 

"I want a mascara that finishes the day on my lashes, not my face"
"I want that long, full, curled lash look"
"I'm tired of throwing away my mascara before it's empty because it's so clumpy"
"Can't we get gorgeous lashes without so many chemicals?
and, let's not hurt bunnies and other living things in the process!"
From there the best little mascara was born...


Christie's mascara is seriously smudge-proof, makes lashes look long + full with just the right amount of curl, ends the clumping madness, is packed with clean ingredients and of course, is vegan + cruelty-free. 

To make life even easier for women, Christie started a subscription service called My Little Mascara Club where you receive a fresh mascara and whatever add-ons you need each month with options to skip, delay or donate! 

We love a woman who solves a common problem and turns it into a successful business making our daily lives easier one tube at a time!



Our mission is to channel the confidence of women, making a worldwide power-shift, one tux at a time. We redefine what it means to wear the pants.