Monica Kline, Branding Expert and Brand Strategist with 25-years of expertise in Branding, Marketing, Sales and Public Relations.

Her career started out working for Fortune 500 companies, Toshiba and Canon, working in the Consumer Electronics space. When comparing how far we have come with technology, you can say she has seen the trends change. What has not changed is; how we use technology. As it is still a integral part of our success, no matter if building a business or a personal brand.
After the tragic events of 9/11, it was a life defining moment for so many, which is when she re-evaluated her career path and decided to pivot. She relentlessly pursued her passion of breaking into the beauty industry. Knowing she would in essence be starting at the bottom, she signed with a beauty brand as a ‘Marketing Manager” in her native home of Southern California.
Bringing her knowledge and expertise to a different industry, while thinking outside the box was an environment she thrived in. During these 13-years, she was tenacious in her pursuit of success (or, what she thought success was at that time) and climbed from Marketing Manager to Vice President.
This was an instrumental time, as she was not only holding a domestic position, but handling business relationships internationally, as well. These distant lands were the launchpad for where she is today.
Conducting business in several countries takes understanding of cultural differences, which enhanced her perspective on international business, not only in Branding, Sales and PR, but in ALL aspects of business. Not to mention, she was managing multi-million dollar budgets. The knowledge and experience gained was instrumental and put to practical use since becoming a business owner.
A motto Monica lives by is; “You must always be evolving to remain relevant”. She is known to love a challenge and pushing herself outside of her comfort zone. In 2013, she did exactly that and made the decision to leave her comfortable lifestyle in Newport Beach, CA and set my eyes on the energetic; New York City.
Upon arriving in New York City, she quickly learned that “visiting” NYC is very different from LIVING here, and rolled up her sleeves and signed up for real life lessons on life, love, business, and grittiness; that only this city can offer. Hey, they say “If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere”, and that is exactly what she set out to do.... “make it here”.
In 2020 Monica celebrated 6-years of opening her business, and the one thing that has become more evident while on this journey of entrepreneurship is WHO she serve as clients. She is a firm believer that like minded individuals make a business partnership magical.
Since launching her branding agency, she has continued to evolve, while investing time, money and energy to remain relevant in an ever changing industry and be AHEAD of the trends. She seeks the industry thought leaders as her mentors and business coaches.
Investing in herself and her business is necessary so that she can deliver 25-years of experience, while making sure it is relevant with the times we are living in, in order to move the needle in her clients brands and businesses.
In 2019, Monica also strategically added “Course Creator” to her repertoire. Diving into the $325-Billion E-Learning Industry, so that she has the ability to reach more entrepreneurs and help them scale and monetize their brands by taking an online course curriculum and implement a “do it yourself” methodology to brand building.

Check out Monica's social media channels below