Michelle Perchuk is a certified career coach who helps people to develop a plan for their career transition and progression. As an active member of the International Coaching Federation, she has built a successful career and business coaching practice specializing in college graduates and professionals.

There is a troubling trend of college graduates, young professionals, and business people who feel lost, frustrated by information overload, unclear about their goals, and lack a clear plan to help them find the career that's rewarding and fulfilling.

They spend years getting the education they need to become a valuable contributor in the professional working world but lack the information and direction needed to find a career path that is best suited for their specific talents and aspirations. Michelle specializes in guiding college graduates and young professionals in choosing a career path that they will find rewarding.

Michelle understands first-hand that the workplace is changing at lightning speed and she shares helpful insights with her clients to guide them through career pitfalls. Michelle has a very strong recruiting background and many Human Resource contacts across all industries. She really knows what employers look for and can share that with you. Having counseled, coached, and placed thousands of job applicants at an impressive array of Fortune 1000 and Fortune 500 companies she believes this extensive experience adds a valuable dimension to her coaching practice that her clients have benefited from greatly. 

“What pains me most about today’s difficult-to-navigate work culture is to see many young professionals waste precious years on the wrong career path, in dead-end or unfulfilling jobs, or starting businesses unsuited to their talents and aspirations. That’s why I’ve dedicated my more than two decades of successful recruitment, coaching, corporate networking, and personal experience toward helping dissatisfied professionals and recent grads land their dream job, or launch their ideal startup. My own career trajectory has given me the tools, vision and key business connections so vital to helping my coaching clients find and pursue their true calling.”

Michelle is the author of an influential book on the state of contemporary recruiting, “Swimming in the Talent Pool,” interviewing over 30 C-suite executives in conducting her research. She is an experienced coach to match help answer questions and match your skill level to available openings.

  •  How do I search for jobs and where?
  • What do I do to interview successfully?
  • How do I dress appropriately for the interview and job?
  • How do I craft a powerful resumes and LinkedIn profiles that will grab the attention of recruiters?
  • How do I prepare to answer the tough questions that come up at an interview?
  • How do I follow up with the hiring manager?
  • How do I negotiate an offer?
  • How do I take feedback and turn it into a positive?

The abundance of jobs can be a good thing but for someone who is new to a job search it can be complex and confusing. Michelle invites you to contact her for a complimentary consultation to discuss your career transition or progression. Learn more about Michelle on her social media channels below: 

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