Women to Watch: Alexa Curtis

This impressive human has accomplished an incredible amount in her short lifetime. Inspired by fashion, she used it as a creative outlet to express herself and eventually turned her passion into a multifaceted business. 

Born and raised in small town Mansfield, Connecticut, Alexa Curtis knew she was different. She didn’t fit into the “normal social mold.” When she entered middle school, all the bullying she endured led her to needing an outlet to escape. In 2011, at just 12 years old, she started a fashion blog; A Life in the Fashion Lane. It became a platform for her to express her feelings around everything relating to teens, body image and mental health.

As Curtis evolved as a person, her blog naturally shifted from fashion to discussing sensitive topics that teens and young adults face every day.  A Life in the Fashion Lane was changed to Life Unfiltered with Alexa Curtis and became a lifestyle website and podcast for teens & parents discussing topics such as social media and mental health. Not only did Curtis turn her little fashion blog into a full-time lifestyle platform for teens, through cold-pitching, she managed to get sponsored by brands like British Airways, T-Mobile, Lands' End and more.

In 2018, Alexa founded the Be Fearless Summit, which is a pop-up program geared towards college-age students who are looking to get out of their comfort zone and land their dream job. Her next summit is scheduled for May 21st at Vanderbilt University. 

Curtis has spoken at numerous colleges; Northeastern, UConn, Eastern Connecticut, Rutgers along with high schools – discussing how to be fearless as well as mental health and social media. In October 2018, Curtis spoke alongside Amal Clooney and Serena Williams at Penn Women and in Sept 2018, Curtis added ‘host’ to her arsenal as she launched her own radio show on Radio Disney called “Fearless Every Day” with Alexa Curtis. “Fearless Every Day” was the first of its kind and broke new ground for the Radio Disney brand. Alexa interviewed various guests who shared their journey of overcoming obstacles/challenges and chasing after their dreams. 

We love this Eastcoast girl who is the epitome of fearless! To learn more about Alexa and her many accomplishments, visit her social media channels below. 



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