Women to Watch: Jackie Coffin

Months into the pandemic, Jackie Coffin felt like so many people were coming up with unique ideas in the midst of the quarantine. She loved the idea of starting her own marketing firm which meant having the flexibility to work from home and set her own schedule while growing a business that she was passionate about.

After being laid off twice in one year - the second time during the pandemic - Jackie was battling with the idea of going back to a typical 9 to 5. She continued to interview for traditional roles, but the idea of starting her own business was constantly floating around. 

Jackie Coffin has suffered from an autoimmune condition and chronic pain for over five years. Because of this, she continually struggled with working in corporate America. She has always been a hard worker and would put in as many hours as needed to get the job done, even if it meant her health continually suffered. 

After receiving a full-time offer in September 2020, she decided to turn the offer down and start her own business. Jackie founded Marketing Socially With JC in October 2020 which specializes in social media marketing, content creation, email campaigns, reviewing analytics and more. For once, she felt like she might be able to prioritize her health over work.

We love how Jackie used her time during the pandemic to stop and reflect on what would ultimately make her happy and fearlessly took the leap into entrepreneurship. We applaud you Jackie! 

For more information about Jackie's marketing business, check out her social media channels below.




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